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You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using the Quick Start.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides many on demand cloud computing platforms including site to site VPNS that allow you to access your AWS platforms. This guide will help you configure the site to site VPN on both the RV16X, RV26X, RV34X router to the Amazon Web Services. The two parts are as follows: Setting up Site-to-Site VPN on Amazon Web. Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! If you've got a moment, please tell us what we did right so we can do more of it.

The AWS CloudFormation template for this Quick Start includes configuration parameters that you can customize. Some of these settings, such as instance type, affect the cost of deployment. For cost estimates, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you use. Prices are subject to change.

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Tip: After you deploy the Quick Start, we recommend that you enable the AWS Cost and Usage Report. This report delivers billing metrics to an S3 bucket in your account. It provides cost estimates based on usage throughout each month and finalizes the data at the end of the month. For more information about the report, see the AWS documentation.

This Quick Start requires an RA-VPN license from Cisco. The Cisco ASAv virtual firewall provides the following licensing options:

Aws Anyconnect
  • Option 1: Use AWS pay-as-you-go licensing, which is based on hourly billing. This is the default option for this Quick Start.
  • Option 2: Use Amazon’s Bring Your Own License model in conjunction with Cisco’s Smart Licensing.

To use this Quick Start in a production environment, see Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) — Standard Package. Ensure that you subscribe to the image using the correct Region. If you want to use option 2, you must use the correct Amazon Machine Image (AMI). For more information, see how to Deploy the ASAv on the AWS Cloud.


This Quick Start requires a subscription to the AMI for Cisco RA‑VPN, which is available from AWS Marketplace. Additional pricing, terms, and conditions may apply. For instructions, see the deployment guide.

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Amazon Connect is an easy to use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service at a lower cost. Over 10 years ago, Amazon’s retail business needed a contact center that would give our customers personal, dynamic, and natural experiences. We couldn’t find one that met our needs, so we built it. We've now made this available for all businesses, and today thousands of companies ranging from 10 to tens of thousands of agents use Amazon Connect to serve millions of customers daily.

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Designed from the ground up to be omnichannel, Amazon Connect provides a seamless experience across voice and chat for your customers and agents. This includes one set of tools for skills-based routing, task management, powerful real-time and historical analytics, and intuitive management tools – all with pay-as-you-go pricing, which means Amazon Connect simplifies contact center operations, improves agent efficiency, and lowers costs. You can set up a contact center in minutes that can scale to support millions of customers from the office or as a virtual contact center.